In its simplest form a Mandala is a Buddhist meditation diagram consisting of nested squares and circles aligned to the five symbolic directions: north, south, east, west, and center.
To describe a Mandala through it’s language, a “manda” is a palace and a “la” is a hidden presence, usually a divinity at the center. So, a Mandala is a palace that contains a divinity at the center.
In its geometric sense, a Mandala consists of nested squares and circles which takes you to the divinity at the center. Most importantly, the Mandala is a meditative environment that is reconstructed not architecturally, but through the mind’s eye. The measure for success in Mandala meditation is if you can keep a vision of that Mandala in mind for two straight hours without wavering the tip of your nose. If you can do that you have achieved success.
Native American Mandala
The Mandala is regarded as one of the most powerful symbols in Native American culture. It is used in special prayers, in spiritual blessings, in powerful visions, and for physical protection. The Mandala symbolizes the respect and regard for Mother Earth and the Great Spirit.
The use of feathers in Mandala construction is a common symbol in Native American culture. Feathers symbolize spiritual and mental strength and were commonly worn by chiefs in daily and ceremonial dress and emphasized their communication with the spirits.
The Mandalas we offer at Southwest Arts and Design represents the Native American culture through the use of natural materials and southwestern and Native American symbols.